Cancer prevention - general info

Dear patient,

You have signed up for gynaecological cancer prevention. Under law, this prevention programme may be undergone, and paid for by statutory insurers, once a year. This examination makes it possible to detect some of the most common types of cancer at an early or even preliminary stage.

These types of cancer, by age, include the following:

  • From age 20 onward: 
    Detection of cervical cancer by a smear of the cervix, detection of ovarian carcinoma by palpation and blood pressure measurement.
  • Additionally, starting at age 30:
    Detection of breast cancer by palpation of the breast.
  • Additionally, starting at age 50:
    Detection of colon cancer by palpation and faecal analysis.

The following optional services extend beyond early cancer detection guidelines and can optimise your prevention, and thus your peace of mind.

  • Ultrasound study of the pelvis minor,
    This is useful to rule out changes in the uterus and ovaries not felt on palpation. This also applies to spiral monitoring!
  • HPV test,
    A significant supplementary examination to rule out cervical cancer.
  • Ultrasound study of the mammary glands,
    This is useful to rule out tumours and cysts not evident on palpation.
  • Urine testing,
    This is done to rule out diabetes or kidney disease.
  • Chlamydia test,
    This is for your own security and to rule out a sexually transmitted but easily treated illness – currently on the increase!
  • Immunological stool test (Preventis),
    This is a new and very reliable faecal test for the prevention of colon cancer, for your partner as well!

The costs of the above mentioned medically useful, supplementary examinations and/or preventive study measures are not covered by statutory health insurers. If you wish to have these examinations, you must pay for them privately according to the Physicians‘ Fee Ordinance (GOÄ). If, for safety reasons, you would like to have one or more of the above-mentioned examinations/services during your prevention examination, please let us know prior to that examination.

Remember: early cancer detection is vital at every age!